2022. A second argument for import tariffs. (Brief text)
2022. A second argument for import tariffs. (Brief text)
2022. This paper explains the two long-term causes of 40 years of quasi-stagnation of the Brazilian economy: the liberalization trap, which eliminated the neutralization of the Dutch disease and made the exchange rate overvalued and the fall in public investments. (Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2021. From the 1980s, Brazil quasi-stagnated while East-Asia continued to grow. What went wrong? (Paper in Economic Dynamics and Structural Change)
2021. The liberal policy regime is incompatible with growth in Latin America. (Paper with Carmem Feijó and Eliane de Araújo to be published in Oxford Handbook on Secular Stagnation).
Working paper EESP/FGV 541, February 2021.
2020. Many rich countries are financing the huge Covid-19 expenditures by monetary emission. Brazil should have done the same. Portuguese version available. (Paper: Brazilian journal of Political Economy) English version available
2020. Ex-ministro dos governos Sarney e FHC, Bresser-Pereira demonstra preocupação com o futuro da economia do país e pede mais investimentos por parte do Estado. (Entrevista a Zero Hora)
2020. Para Bresser-Pereira, com pensamento liberal não pode haver crescimento. Por isso, reedita sua tese novo-desenvolvimentista e assegura que imprimir moeda não é sinônimo de inflação descontrolada (Entrevista para Unisinos).
2020. Many rich countries are financing the huge Covid-19 expenditures by monetary emission. (Paper, Forum for Social Economics) Portuguese version available
2017. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. In the bookstores and in kindle
2011. Troca de mensagens com Roberto Giannetti.
2020. Webinar "Post Covid Socio-Economic Models", Sep 25. 2020
2020. A broad picture of the political and economic crisis in which Brazil is immersed since respectively 2013 and 2014..(Video interview to Isabella Marzolla, O Estado de S.Paulo ,31 minutes)
2020. Brazil faces four crises (political, economic, moral and sanitary) in the framework of the world crisis of neoliberal capitalism and the rise of rightwing populism. (A Terra é Redonda)
2020. Latin America was not caught in the 'middle-income trap" but into the "1980s' liberalization trap", while East Asia overcome its middle-income condition and are today rich countries, or, in the case of China, heading to become so. (Paper BJPE)
2019. The Brazilian economy is deindustrializing and quasi-stagnant for 40 years. The main economic and political causes and what must be done. (essay: Jornal dos Economistas. English Version available
2019. The Brazilian economy is deindustrializing and quasi-stagnant for 40 years. The main economic and political causes and what must be done. The original of this article was published in Portuguese, in Jornal dos Economistas June 2019.
2019. Neoliberalism and the right-wing populist response in the rich countries and in Brasil. (Essay in A Terra é Redonda
2019. Latin America was not caught in the 'middle-income trap" but into the "1980s' liberalization trap", while East Asia overcome its middle-income condition and are today rich countries, or, in the case of China, heading to become so. (Paper: Challenge)
2019. Diálogos Luso-Brasileiros, ciclo de conferências realizados pelo Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão (ISEG) da Universidade de Lisboa, 4 de novembro de 2019.
2019. Palestra em Diálogos Luso-Brasileiros, Lisboa (Apresentação de slides)