2024. Classical estructuralist developmentalism and new developmentalism compared. Their contributions of the two theretical frameworks, particularly the one of new-developmental theory and the explanation of the Dutch disease. (Paper)
2024. Classical estructuralist developmentalism and new developmentalism compared. Their contributions of the two theretical frameworks, particularly the one of new-developmental theory and the explanation of the Dutch disease. (Paper)
2019. An introduction to New-Developmental Theory or New Developmentalism. How it was born from Classical Developmentalism or Development Macroeconomics and Post-Keynesian Economics. (Paper in BJPE)
2003. The patterns of economic development and the political pacts in Brazil from Vargas (1930) to Lula (2003). 5th revised edition almost doubling the size of the book. (Book: Editora 34). Nas livrarias.
1968. Economic, social and political development between 1930 and 1960s'. New historical facts turn inviable Vargas' national-developmentalist political pact. Sold out. (Book: This first edition is available in PDF format)
2004. In the 1950s ISEB developed an original and powerful interpretation of Brazil based on the ideas of capitalist and national revolution. (Paper: Dados)*
2002. The Brazilian national revolution will only be completed when its people gets rid of its colonial inferiority complex. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, 7.8)
2001. There are some consensus and some strategic decisions to be taken in Latin America, after the crisis of structuralism, and of orthodox reforms. Portuguese version available. (Paper presented in conference at Oxford University; not published; available only in this site)
2001 Critique of the growth with foreign savings policy. This short article is New Developmentalism's founding article, together with a paper that I wrote with Nakano no ano seguinte, "Economic growth with foreign savings?" (Valor 1000, 2001).
1997. Third edition. An introductory book and also a personal essay on the Brazilian economy. (Editora 34) Nas livrarias
1992. When the costs involved in a given economic policy become excessive, the decision not to adopt the policy is rational rather than political. Reforms that are inefficient are irrational. (Note: Harvard International Review)
1989. Interviews given by Bresser-Pereira while he was Finance Minister of Brazil, edited by Carlos Alberto Sardenberg. (Book: Editora Brasiliense). Disponível em pdf.
1984. Economic development, political pacts, and crises in Brazil from 1930 to the early 1980s. English translation of the Portuguese edition. (Book: Westview Press) Available in kindle and print, and in pdf.
1975. Japan demonstrates that 'capital is made at home'; its growth was an example of nationalism and state intervention. (Survey: Revista de Administração de Empresas)