2024. Human progress depends on republican citizens and a republican state. (Chapter of book)
2024. Human progress depends on republican citizens and a republican state. (Chapter of book)
2009. Direitos republicanos são o direito que todos os cidadãos têm que leis autorizando a captura do patrimônio público tenham efeito (capítulo de livro).
2023. Porque a sociedade civil é forte. Já nação, ela fraca.
2022. O que há de comum ao racismo e ao imperialismo é não tolerarem quem é diferente. (Nota no Twitter, 1o. janeiro)
2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. English version available. (Papers)
2019. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. Spanish version available(Papers)
2019. Survey of book by Yascha Mounk. Liberal democracy is in crisis. It could not be otherwise because neoliberals see it as the ideal form of society. (Article in Quatro Cinco Um-Revista dos Livros)
2017. Capitalism and the state are either developmental, or liberal. Developmentalism and economic liberalism are two forms of coordinating capitalism. Capitalism was born developmental anywhere, in England or in the US, in Germany or in Brazil, in Japan or in China. (paper: Brazilian Journal of Political Economy)
2018. In the past, the individualism that is associated to liberal capitalism was tempered by socialism, democracy, nationalism and republicanism. Since capitalism turned neoliberal it turned radically individualistic and unjust. (Essay to be published)
30.7.2017. Yes, compassion is essential. Terence Malick's "From Song to Song" is a major film about modern freedom - an individualist freedom that does not turn us free.
2017. Countries turn consolidated democracies after their industrial revolution which they made in authoritarian regimes. Today, pre-industrial countries are supposed to be democratic before their industrial revolutions. (Paper in the BJPE)
2017. This paper defines the state as the law system and the organization that guarantees and the nation-state as the political society formed by a nation, a state and a territory. Second, it discusses the forms of informal political intermediation between the state and society. (Revista Lua Nova)
2016. All industrial revolutions happened in the framework of a developmental state. We can distinguish in history four basic models of developmental state. Portuguese version available.(Texto p/ Discussão)
2016. 34 thesis on the theory of the state as the fundamental institution (the law and the organization that guarantees it) of the nation-state - the form of sovereign society specific to capitalism, as the classical empire was the form of society proper of the slave societies. (Notes for students)
2015. Speech receiving the Juca Pato trophee and the tittle of "intelectual of the year 2014" from the Brazilian Union of Writers.
2015. With Marcus Ianoni. A theoretical discussion of developmental class coalitions, and its application in three experiences: mercantilism, Bismarkism, and the Golden Years of Capitalism. (Paper to be published in edited book - Texto para Discussão EESP/FGV n. 386)
2014. Liberais afirmam que o decreto sobre participação social implica o risco do surgimento de "um poder paralelo". Puro nonsense (article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2014. Progress and human development are defined as the advance towards the five political objectives that modern societies defined for themselves (security, individual liberty, economic wellbeing, social justice and protection of the environment); and growth a an instrument to such objectives. (Essay: Lua Nova)