1995. The concept of state and the main theories. The role of civil society in assuring democratic legitimacy to the state. Portuguese version available. (Paper: published only in Portuguese)
1995. The concept of state and the main theories. The role of civil society in assuring democratic legitimacy to the state. Portuguese version available. (Paper: published only in Portuguese)
1995. The concept of state and the main theories. The role of civil society in assuring democratic legitimacy to the state. English version available. (Paper: Lua Nova)*
1995. An account of the 1987 negotiation of the debt crisis. Brazil presented a proposal of debt securitization which represented a turning point in the debt crisis, and was the Brady Plan 18 months later. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política) *
1995. A discussion of development economics ideas and of Word Bank's neo-liberal turn in the early 1980s. Portuguese version available.(Paper: Review of International Political Economy)
1995. A discussion of development economics ideas and of Word Bank's neo-liberal turn in the early 1980s. English version available. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política) *
1995. The first paper on the 1995-98 Public Management Reform. The crisis of the state requiring to rebuild state capacity. A critique of the bureaucratic model. A first glimpse on the model that would be drawn in the Plano Diretor... and in Da Administração Burocrática... Spanish version available.Texto para Discussão ENAP
1996. With Gilberto Tadeu Lima. While microeconomics is logic-deductive, macroeconomics is a historical discipline, requiring an inductive-deductive approach. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política) *
1995. The first paper on the 1995-98 Public Management Reform. The crisis of the state requiring to rebuild state capacity. A critique of the bureaucratic model. A first glimpse on the model that would be drawn in the Plano Diretor... and in Da Administração Burocrática...Portuguese version available.(Paper: Reforma y Democracia)
1993. With Gesner de Oliveira. Given high and low conditionality and positive and negative transfers, 'games' between World Bank and developing countries may be winners'game, conflictive game, permissive game, and potential winners'game. (Paper published only here)
1994. Since 1980 Latin American faced a debt crisis and a crisis of the state, which was also a crisis of the developmentalist interpretation. Now, two competing interpretations are present: the neoliberal Washington Consensus and the fiscal crisis of the state approach. Available in English and Portuguese. (Paper: Cahiers des Amériques Latines)*
1995. With Yoshiaki Nakano. A critique of the conventional wisdom that economic problems have dominantly a political origin. Or that economists fail to make the required and rational policies for lack of political support. (Paper in Revista de Economia Política)*
1994. With José María Maravall and Adam Przeworski. The neoliberal economic reforms enacted by Latin America’s and Eastern Europe’s new democracies have proven inefficient and at times even ineffective. This derives both from a lack of political support and from the dogmatic orthodoxy adopted. English version available.(Paper: Dados).
1993. In a 1964 I demonstrated that Brazilian entrepreneurs originated from the immigrant middle class. Nevertheless, dependency theory insisted that they originated from the coffee planters. It was a way of rejecting the possibility of a national bourgeoisie. (Paper: Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais)
1993. IMF adjustment programs and World Banks structural reforms ignore that the Brazilian economy faces abnormal times. (Paper in Revista da USP)
1992. Stabilization and other market-oriented economic reforms face a double challenge in new democracies: they have to be economically effective and politically feasible. Since 1980 Latin America faced a debt crisis and a crisis of the state. Now, two competing interpretations are present the neo-liberal Washington Consensus and the fiscal crisis of the state approach. The later anticipates the 2003 "new developmentalism". (Paper: Chapter 1 of Economic Reforms in New Democracies).
1993. A new political pact of the Brazilian elites around the idea of national development is a condition for political legitimacy and economic growth. Portuguese and English versions available.(Paper: Problèmes d Amérique Latine)*
1993. Given its extreme social heterogeneity and the 'contradictory citizenship', there is not a social contract in Brazil. In the recent past, informal growth oriented political pacts replaced a social contracts. The solution for the present crisis depends on the definition of a not growth oriented political pact. French and English versions available.(Paper in book edited by Sola e Paulani).
1993. Given social heterogeneity and 'contradictory citizenship', there is not a basic social contract in Brazil, nor an informal growth oriented political pact (that may act as a substitute for a social contract). Available in French and Portuguese. (English version published only in this site).
1993. Brazil's failure to achieve price stabilization is essentially a consequence of the incompetence of authorities (and IMF) in acknowledging the inertial character of inflation and the lack of political support for fiscal adjustment. (Lecture in London)
1993. Since 1980 Latin American faced a debt crisis and a crisis of the state, which was also a crisis of the developmentalist interpretation. Now, two competing interpretations are present: the neoliberal Washington Consensus and the fiscal crisis of the state approach. English and French versions available. This is a preliminary version of my chapter in Economic Reforms in New Democracies, 1993. The "fiscal crisis approach" anticipates the 2003 "new developmentalism". (Paper: Novos Estudos CEBRAP )*