2001. Besides self-interests a second variable is turning increasingly relevant: policymakers' technical and emotional incompetence. Portuguese version available. (Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring 2001). *
2001. Besides self-interests a second variable is turning increasingly relevant: policymakers' technical and emotional incompetence. Portuguese version available. (Journal of Post Keynesian Economics, Spring 2001). *
2000. To be left means to be ready to risk social order in behalf of social justice. Historically the left moves as the political center cyclically moves from left to right and vice-versa. The center is also different from country to country. The Third Way is the expression of a new left in a country where the center rather on the right. English version available. (Paper: Revista de Filosofia Política 2000)
2000. The distinction between administrative and political descentralization. The descentralizing principles in the public management reform. (Paper: Revista Galega de Administración).
2000. Brazil, as all new democracies, is a "democracy of elites ". Yet, there are indication of a transition to what may be called "democracy of civil society", where public opinion and public non state political advocacy organizations become relevant. English version available. (In Reis Velloso edited book)
2000. This paper presents a hystorical typology of democracy: elites or Schumpeterian democracy, civil society"s public opinions democracy, participatory democracy, and deliberative democracy. Brazil is in transition from elites democracy to public opinions democracy. Portuguese version available. (Paper: IPSA Congress, Quebec)
2000. Brazil, as all new democracies, is an "elites' democracy". Yet, there are indication of a transition to what may be called "civil society´s democracy", where public opinion become relevant (Estudos Avançados, USP)*
2000. An evaluation of the implementation of the "Brazilian 1995 Public Management Reform", i.e., of the managerial reform the begins in 1995 and will continue for many years. It is being gradually implemented at federal, state, and municipal level. (Revista de Administração Pública).
2000. From civil servants as from politicians it is asked that they have republican virtues. And often they do. (Paper in United Nations Report)
2000. Nationalism is the way through which people define their national identity. Brazil should be nationalist as developed countries are. In these countries, government is supposed to protect national labor and national capital the same should be true for Brazil. (Paper in book edited by Henrique Rattner).
1999. The crisis of the state brought back the market and its perverse effects on culture and democracy. It is time to rebuild the state and assign to it the role of supporting cultural manifestation hapening in public non-state sphere of society. Portuguese version available. (Paper in edited book)*
1999. The political process behind the constitutional amendment of the 1995 Brazilian Public Management Reform. English version availalbe. (Paper: Revista do Serviço Público).*
1999. Intellectual self-profile of Bresser-Pereira written by himself for a Buenos Aires seminar on the work of Furtado, Rangel, and Bresser-Pereira. (Paper Revista de Economia Política). *
1999-The political process behind the constitutional amendment of the 1995 Brazilian Public Management Reform. Portuguese version available. (Paper: In 2003 book edite by Ben Ross Schneider)*.
1999. Com Nuria Cunill Grau. Between the state and the market there is the public non-state sector, which includes either service or social accountability organizations. Spanish version available.(Paper in edited book)*
1999. The absurd logic of two critics of the 1995 Public Management Reform. Response to the critiques made by Cristina Andrews and Alexander Kouzmin to the 1995 Public Management Reform. (Lua Nova)
1998. With Yoshiaki Nakano. It is misleading to attribute economic difficulties to politicians and bureaucrats, since incompetent and self-interest policies decided by economists are also responsible. This is more so when the country misses an effective social contract. English version available. (Paper in Estado e Sociedade). This is an improved version of "A origem política dos problemas econômicos" (1995).
1998. With Yoshiaki Nakano. It is misleading to attribute economic difficulties to politicians and bureaucrats, since incompetent and self-interest policies decided by economists are also responsible. This is more so when the country misses an effective social contract. Portuguese version available. (Paper in edited book by Ducatenzeiler and Oxhorn)
1997. A broad view of the public management reform. The role of the state and new forms of accountability (administration by results, managed competition for excelence, and social accountability) are discussed. Portuguese and Spanish versions available. (Paper in book by Burlamaqui, Castro e Chang).
1998. Com Nuria Cunill Grau. Between the state and the market there is the public non-state sector, which includes either service or social accountability organizations. Portuguese version available.(Paper in book edited by Bresser-Pereia & Cunil Grau)*
1998. The new state that is emeging out of public management reform is a response to the crisis of the welfare and developmental state.English version available(Paper in book edited by Bresser-Pereira & Spink)*