2010. Troca de cartas com Miguel Bruno.
2010. Troca de cartas com Miguel Bruno.
2010. No hay razón para que el mundo vuelva a sumergirse en la crisis.(Article: La Onda)
2010. Prof. Affonso A. Pastore and other competent orthodox economists still believe that foreign savings cause growth. Actually, they increase consumption and mostly replace domestic savings. (Article O Estado de S.Paulo)
2009. Uma doença holandesa moderada e a consequente desindustrialização são evidente. Nega-se o fato porque no momento em que isto for reconhecido não restará alternativa senão mudar a política cambial. Valor Econômico, 25.11.2009
2009. Does Lula realize it as well? And - what is more important - are Brazilians also aware of the losses they are suffering when they welcome foreign interests so well. Folha de S. Paulo, November 16, 2009
2009. Os três pilares do plano do governo sobre o pré-sal são o sistema de partilha, a Petrossal e o fundo soberano. Eles permitem que o país neutralize a doença holandesa. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. In this decade we are beginning to react, to think in terms of the great country we are. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. Nesta década estamos começando a reagir, a pensar em termos do grande país que somos.(Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. With Eli Diniz. Brazilian industrialist ceased to be part of the dominant political coalition in the late 1980s in the 2000s, as new developmentalism is being discussed, there are signals that they are coming back. (Paper in Novos Estudos Cebrap).
2009. O Brasil só terá novamente altas taxas de crescimento econômico quando voltar a administrar taxas de câmbio (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. Brazil will only achieve high growth rates when it managed its exchange rate. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. Não interessa ao Brasil oferecer de graça o mercado interno, o patrimônio mais precioso de uma nação (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. It is not of benefit to Brazil to offer our domestic market to rich countries for free. A countrys domestic market is its most precious asset. (Article: Folha de S. Paulo)
2009. Brazil as all developing countries is subjected to the tendency to the overvaluation of the exchange rate. Since 1991 Brazil stop neutralizing this tendency, and was stage of substitution of foreign for domestic savings, balance of payment crises and low growth. (Paper: Economía UNAM, México, Vol. 6, No. 18). Portuguese version available.
2009. Tied to the neoliberal principles of financial liberalization, our government passively watches the return of the exchange rate overvaluation. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. While the stocket market returns to euphony, government is helpless in relation to the real returning to overappreciate, while . (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. Porque essa política vai contra os princípios fundamentalistas neoliberais aprendidos pelos economistas nas suas escolas (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. Because this policy goes against the neoliberal fundamentalist principles that the economists learned in their schools. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. We are now faced with the idea of this strange and perverse alliance between major rent-seekers and the middle class of small savers. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).
2009. Surge a ideia dessa estranha e perversa aliança entre grandes rentistas e a classe média de pequenos poupadores (Article: Folha de S.Paulo).