2013. Bresser-Pereira estima que o dólar estaria no "lugar certo" a R$3,00 (Entrevista a Roberto Müller, Liliana Lavoratti e Fernanda Bompan).
2013. Bresser-Pereira estima que o dólar estaria no "lugar certo" a R$3,00 (Entrevista a Roberto Müller, Liliana Lavoratti e Fernanda Bompan).
2013. A more precise presentation of Rangel's "basic duality" theory to explain Brazilian history. (paper: Análise Econômica).
2013. With Eli Diniz. Brazilian industrialist ceased to be part of the dominant political coalition from the late 1980s to the the mid 2000s. Yet, since the Lula administration, the emergence of a new developmentalism, and the 2008 collapse of neoliberalism, they are again being heard in Brazil. Actualized version of a previous paper. Also available German version. (To be published in edited book)
2007. Vargas was the statesman that led Brazils national and industrial revolution. Although an authoritarian politician, he created the conditions for consolidated democracy. (Paper: tin book edited by Dutra Fonseca Zahluth Bastos)
2012. An overview o Brazil since the independence. An interpretation of Brazil considering the political pacts or class coalitions and the growth strategies. (Paper: Novos Estudos
2012. An e-mail conversation on the subject. The power of good theory.
2011. The Euro Zone faces a major crisis. It is trated as if it were a fiscal crisis but, actually, is a currency crisis. Meanwhile Brazil faces difficulties, but there is some progress in understanding the role of the exdhange rate. (Conference)
2012. Pode-se discutir o câmbio adequado, mas a apreciação é grande, a indústria perde terreno e o país cresce pouco (Article: Valor)
2012. Brazil is a national-dependent society. The three cycles of its independent history were, successively, "State and Integration", "Nation and Development" and "Democracy and Social Justice". (Paper: Perspectivas) English version available.
2011. A summary of Brazil's development. Why it became backward. How it eventually made its national and capitalist revolution and turned a middle income country. (Article in book edited by André Botelho and Lilia Moritz Schwarcz).
2011.País deveria taxar exportações de commodities para reduzir o impacto na indústria nacional (Interview to Jamil Chade).
2011. "Inside Job", Oscar de melhor documentário, é uma reportagem precisa da crise financeira global. (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2011. New developmentalism is a national development strategy that implies fiscal and exchange rate responsibility. Brazil lacks the latter. (Interesse Nacional).
2010. O Brasil sofre de doença holandesa, que provoca a desindustrialização da economia. Nosso desafio é neutralizar a sobreapreciação do câmbio (Entrevista a Raquel Landim).
2010. The Lula administration is an example of exchange rate populism. Interview to Laura García for Cronista.com de Buenos Aires.
2010. Mesmo com economistas negando, fatia da indústria no PIB nacional é bem menor do que há 25 anos (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. Only a fool hands over to foreign companies public utilities, such as landline and mobile telephone services (Article: Folha de S.Paulo)
2010. A tese de que é cedo para ajuste faz sentido a EUA, Reino Unido e Alemanha não para o resto da Europa (Article: Folha).
2010. The idea that it is too soon to start the adjustment makes sense for the United States, Great Britain, and Germany not for the rest of Europe (Article: Folha).
2010. The tendency to the cyclical overevaluation of the exchange rate in developing countries is easily seen in Brazil. (Paper in edited book)