2020. Brazil faces four crises (political, economic, moral and sanitary) in the framework of the world crisis of neoliberal capitalism and the rise of rightwing populism. (A Terra é Redonda)
2020. Brazil faces four crises (political, economic, moral and sanitary) in the framework of the world crisis of neoliberal capitalism and the rise of rightwing populism. (A Terra é Redonda)
1.6.2020 - A critique of liberal economists that are rejecting the monetary financing of the expenditures with Covid-19. Adopting private financing Brazilians will have to pay the resulting public debt for years. Note in Facebook.
2020. A emissão de moeda para financiar as despesas do Covid-19 é uma solução óbvia. (Entrevista na UOL).
2019. The Brazilian economy is deindustrializing and quasi-stagnant for 40 years. The main economic and political causes and what must be done. (essay: Jornal dos Economistas. English Version available
2019. The Brazilian economy is deindustrializing and quasi-stagnant for 40 years. The main economic and political causes and what must be done. The original of this article was published in Portuguese, in Jornal dos Economistas June 2019.
8.10.2019. The sale of state-owned companies to foreign counties is assuming an incredible dimension. It is a country for sale. (Note in the Facebook)
2017. The Brazilian economy is quasi stagnant since the 1980s. Public savings are insufficient to finance public investments. Since 1990, it is caught in a high-interest rate-overvalued currency trap that makes the competent industrial firms not competitive and unable to invest. (Paper in Handbook)
2019-The Bolsonaro didn't reach to beggin and already ended. In the last five months there was not government but disgovernment. This president is a shame and and embaressement for the Brazilians.(Note in the Facebook, 20.5.19)
5.5.2019 The Brazilian economy is not recovering and liberal economists and financiers are perplex. (Note in the Facebook)
2.5.2019-Why is Brazil selling all its state-owned enterprises. One explanation is in the lieralism and dependence of the government and the economic elites, the other is that the fiscal deficits and the current account deficits make Brazil to sell the furniture of the house.
2019-Thirty year ago the Brady Plan solved the great 1980s' Foreign Debt Crisis. The Plan was entirely based in the proposal that I, as Finance Minister of Brazil, made in October 1987. The Secretary of the Treasury of the time, James Backer, rejected it, but 18 months later the new Secretary, Nicholas Brady, took it entirely. Read the full history in "A turning point for the debt crisis". Nota no Facebook, 22.4.2019
4.4.2019 -
A proposta do governo de capitalização na emenda da Previdência constitui grave ameaça a um direito humano fundamental que as sociedades civilizadas garantem: o direito a uma velhice digna.
10.3.2019-Embora a emenda da Previdência afirme que a escolha do regime de capitalização será optativa, na pratica reduz o teto previdenciário de seis para um salário mínimo. É uma violência contra o direito humano a uma velhice digna.
6.2.2019-Nota no Facebook. A recuperação da indústria é decepcionante por três razões além do fato de a taxa de juros continuar alta e a taxa de câmbio ainda estar apreciada: porque a demanda de bens industriais tanto interna quanto externa continua baixa, porque o governo não realizou a política fiscal contracíclica necessária, e porque os empresários ainda não estão se sentido com confiança em relação ao governo.
2018-07-05 00:00:00
2021. An encompassing analysis of Brazil's society, economy, and politics since the Independence. A national-dependent interpretation. (Book: Editora 34, updated 4th edition, 2021). Nas livrarias e Em kindle.
2017-I propose twelve new-developmental ecnomic reforms for Brazil (Facebook page)
2017 - Since 1990, the Brazilian economy is quasi-stagnant under a liberal economic policy regime. Rentier-financier liberalism is incompatible with growth, because it keeps interest rates very high and the exchange rate overvalued in the long-term. (Paper: Estudos Avançados).
2016. In the recent past liberals (1990-2002) as well as developmentalists (2003-2014) failed in overcoming the quasi-stagnation that defines the Brazilian economy since 1980. New developmentalism offers a short and a long-term alternative. (Large essay in Folha de S.Paulo)
2016. Long interview of Bresser-Pereira to Alvaro Comin e Paulo Todescan Mattos for Plural, journal from USP's graduate program in sociology.