Chapter 5 of the book being written, After Capitalim, Democratic Managerialism, June 2021
2021. The Industrial Revolution made capital the dominant production relation in entrepreneurs' capitalism; the Second Industrial Revolution and the associated organizational revolution promoted the shift from the strategic factor of production of capital to technical and administrative knowledge and made the emergence of the managerial class a definitive historical phenomenon. (Chapter of book being written)
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. (Lua Nova-Revista de Cultura Política) English version available.
2020. In rich countries, the authoritarian character of right-wing populism does not mean that democracy is dying. It is a reaction to neoliberalism which in the last 40 years didn't improve the sort of the white lower middle-class. Portuguese version available.
Paper. With Elias Jabbour and Luiz Fernando de Paula.
2021. The liberal policy regime is incompatible with growth in Latin America. (Paper with Carmem Feijó and Eliane de Araújo to be published in Oxford Handbook on Secular Stagnation).
Working paper EESP/FGV 541, February 2021.
2020. The poor outcomes of the Brazilian government in fighting the health and economic problems associated to Covid-19 when compared with Argentina and France. (Paper in Revista de la CEPAL). Published also in Portuguese.
2021. Around 1980 China made the right choice of economic policy regime (developmentalism) and the US, the wrong choice. This is one of the reasons for the US losing gradually hegemony to China. (Chapter of a book being written)
2020. Many rich countries are financing the huge Covid-19 expenditures by monetary emission. Brazil should have done the same. Portuguese version available. (Paper: Brazilian journal of Political Economy) English version available
Este artigo examina os impactos do Covid-19 sobre a população e a economia brasileira. Published also in Spanish.
2020. Many rich countries are financing the huge Covid-19 expenditures by monetary emission. (Paper, Forum for Social Economics) Portuguese version available
Paper (Revista Princípios)
(2020) Yes, it is, because liberals ignore the Dutch disease, recommend growth with "foreign savings", etc. Paper with Carmem Feijó e Eliane Araújo. (To be published in the Handbook on Secular Stagnation)
2020 - In the 2000s, New Developmentalism is a second moment of the Latin American Structuralism, which faced crisis since the 1970s. Actualised conference given when I received the title of Doctor Honoris Cause by the University of Buenos Aires, 18 October 2011.
2020. With Luiz Fernando de Paula and Miguel Bruno. Portuguese version available
José Luis Oreiro (2015) Pela originalidade e abrangência da obra, A Construção Política do Brasil é leitura obrigatória para a disciplina de economia brasileira nos cursos de economia no Brasil.
2020. New Developmentalism is a theoretical framework being defined since the early 2000s. It is a political economy and a development macroeconomics that originates from Development Economics and Post-Keynesian Macroeconomics. (Paper in Challenge,)
2020. A retention or tax on the export of commodities will neutralize the Dutch disease and assure to the manufacturing industry equal conditions in the competion with other countries. The tax will not represent a buden to the exporters, because they receive back their money on the form of depreciation of the real. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)