2014. Technobureaucratic or professionals' capitalism are adequate names to identify today's capitalism. It is a mixed social formation, where two relations of production - capital and organization - are present. (Paper: Tempo Social)
2014. Technobureaucratic or professionals' capitalism are adequate names to identify today's capitalism. It is a mixed social formation, where two relations of production - capital and organization - are present. (Paper: Tempo Social)
2015. With Marcus Ianoni. A theoretical discussion of developmental class coalitions, and its application in three experiences: mercantilism, Bismarkism, and the Golden Years of Capitalism. (Paper to be published in edited book - Texto para Discussão EESP/FGV n. 386)
José Luís Oreiro (2015) Resenha do livro A Construção Política do Brasil, na qual Oreiro salienta que enquanto Marx pensou a história em termos de lutas de classe, Bresser pensa a história do Brasil em termos de lutas de coalizões de classe: coalizões desenvolvimentistas x coalizões, no passado, agrário-mercantis, hoje, liberais. (Valor Econômico, 10.3.2015)
2015. The Brazilian economy is quasi-stagnant since 1990 trade-liberalization, when trade liberalization dismantled the mechanism that neutralized the Dutch disease and the ensuing competitive disadvantage started up deindustrialization. Updated English version available. (Paper in book edited by Nelson Barbosa et al.)
2014. Liberals as well as vulgar Keynesians show a preference for immediate consumption associated with an overvalued currency. (Paper: Crítica e Sociedade)
2014. (Paper in edited book)
2014, with Pedro Rossi. The euro crisis is a internal exchange rate crisis; austerity is a costly and inhuman policy of internal depreciation. (paper, in the Journal of Post Keynesian Economiscs)
2014. Breve crítica do pós-modernimos (Seção do ensaio "modernidade neoliberal", Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais).
2014. A critical survey of the recent analysis of modernity. Major sociologists take as modernity what is, rather, expressions of the recent and failed neoliberal distortion of democratic capitalism. (Paper: Revista Brasileira de Ciências Sociais)
2014. With Eliane Araújo and Paulo Gala. (Paper). Econometric comprovation of a high rate of substituition of foreign for domestic savings. (Paper in EconomiA, da ANPEC). English version available.
2014. With Eliane Araújo e Paulo Gala. Econometric comprovation of a high rate of substituition of foreign for domestic savings. (Paper: Revista EconomiA) Portuguese version available.
2014. Progress and human development are defined as the advance towards the five political objectives that modern societies defined for themselves (security, individual liberty, economic wellbeing, social justice and protection of the environment); and growth a an instrument to such objectives. (Essay: Lua Nova)
2014. A partir de la designación "capitalismo tecnoburocrático" o "capitalismo de los profesionales" surge el interés en saber cómo se organizan las sociedades contemporáneas o la modernidad.
2014. With José Luis Oreiro and Nelson Marconi. A synthesis of structuralist development macroeconomics and the critique of the "foreign constraint" thesis. (Paper in edited book)
2014. In developing countries it is not enough to secure demand for entrepreneurs to invest; additionally, is required access to it, which only a competitive exchange rate can assure. (Paper Keynesian Brazilian Review)
2014. Progress was associated with the advance of reason, development with the fulfillment of the five political objectives that modern societies set for themselves: security, freedom, economic well-being, social justice and protection of the environment. (Paper in edited book).
2013. A developmental state was behind the Capitalist Revolution and the economic development that then historically beggins. (Paper just available in this website)
2013. How did inequality vary along the history of capitalism? Which were the phases, and the role of technical progress? Why inequality increased since the 1980s in rich countries? (Paper in Forum for Social Economics)