2010. Economic constraints are not the only cause for economic inequality remaining so high in the world. (Short article: Peace Review)
2010. Economic constraints are not the only cause for economic inequality remaining so high in the world. (Short article: Peace Review)
2010. Paper in two parts: first, basic concepts like state, nation-state and civil society; second, the role of politics in the democratic construction of the state. This text originated "Estado, estado-nação e formas de intermediação social" e em "A construção política do Estado". (Texto para discussão EESP/FGV 272)
2010. The social construction of the state. Civil society and the nation as the intermediaries between society and the state politics as the reform tool. (ABCP paper)
2010. The tendency to the cyclical overevaluation of the exchange rate in developing countries is easily seen in Brazil. (Paper in edited book)
2010. (Texto para Discussão)
2010. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by the deregulation promoted by neoliberal and financialized capitalism with the support of neoclassical economics. (Paper: Revista de Economia Política)
2010. With Marcio Holland. Latin America integration, particularly Mercorsul, would be strengthened if there was a common currency. We should work on this direction. (Paper : Journal of Post Keynesian Economics.
2010. On the opportunity of the 100 years of the Soviet Revolution, I include in the first page of this site this paper. In argues that the socialist revolution turned first statist, and, second, capitalist. (Paper: Revista USP).
2009. The 2008 financial crisis was caused by the deregulation promoted by neoliberal and financialized capitalism with the support of neoclassical economics. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics)
2009. With Eli Diniz. Brazilian industrialist ceased to be part of the dominant political coalition in the late 1980s in the 2000s, as new developmentalism is being discussed, there are signals that they are coming back. (Paper in Novos Estudos Cebrap).
2009. The history of the discovery of inertial inflation. The role played by the São Paulo (FGV) and the Rio (PUC) groups. (Paper: Revista de Economia Contemporânea)
2009. Neliberalism did not attack just the state but also markets, since they depend on state regulation. Neoclassical economics was the meta-ideology offering "scientific" support to neoliberalism. (Essay: Estudos Avançados).
2009. Neoliberalism and its "scientific" justification, neoclassical economics, were more than just an assault on the state it was also an assault to the market. (Essay: Estudos Avançados). A slightly modified version, "Economics: an assault on the state", has been published in Challenge, 53 (5), September 2010: 57-77.
2008. Neoclassical economists use the hipothetical deductive method, but an empirical-deductive method, particularly the new historical facts approach, is a a more advisable aternative. (Paper: Journal of Post Keynesian Economics). Portuguese version available.
2009. Brazil as all developing countries is subjected to the tendency to the overvaluation of the exchange rate. Since 1991 Brazil stop neutralizing this tendency, and was stage of substitution of foreign for domestic savings, balance of payment crises and low growth. (Paper: Economía UNAM, México, Vol. 6, No. 18). Portuguese version available.
2009. Neliberalism did not attack just the state but also markets, since they depend on state regulation. Neoclassical economics was the meta-ideology offering "scientific" support to neoliberalism. (Paper in Nueva Sociedad)
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibility of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. Published in English in Latin American Perspectives 178, vol. 38 (3) May 2011Portuguese and French versions available. (Paper: Latin American Perspectives).
2010. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibity of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. English and French versions available. (Paper: Perspectivas).
2009. Over-exploitation as well as associated dependency interpretations denied the possibity of national bourgeoisies in the region and contributed to weakening Latin American nations. Only a third version of dependency - the national-dependent interpretation - escaped this fate. English and Portuguese versions available. (Paper: Revue Tiers Monde).
2008. In developing countries there is the tendency to the overvaluation of the exchange rate. If countries do not neutralize it, they will experiment slow growth, and catching up will not happen. (Chapter 4 of book to be published, Globalization and Competition). Spanish version and Portuguese version available.