1993. Articles published in the Brazilian media between March 1985 and March 1990. (Book) Available in PDF.
1993. Articles published in the Brazilian media between March 1985 and March 1990. (Book) Available in PDF.
1984 (Article: Tendência, 30.12)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 25.12)
1984 (Article: Gazeta Mercantil, 28.11)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 27.11)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 30.10)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 23.10)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 10.10)
1984 (Article: Jornal da Tarde, 03.10)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 18.09)
1984. A short (11 pages) proposal on how do deal with the main economic problems of Brazil written when Tancredo Neves was to be elected president of Brazil. (Conference: Folha de S.Paulo)
1984 (Article:Folha de S. Paulo, 11.09)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 07.08)
1984. Economic development, political pacts, and crises in Brazil from 1930 to the early 1980s. English translation of the Portuguese edition. (Book: Westview Press) Available in kindle and print, and in pdf.
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 29.05)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 20.03)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 21.02)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 17.01)
1984 (Article: Folha de S. Paulo, 03.01)
1983 (Article: Isto É, 28.12)