2005. Celso Furtado's economic theory. Updates (and shortens) a previous paper, "Método e paixão em Celso Furtado". (RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas)
2005. Celso Furtado's economic theory. Updates (and shortens) a previous paper, "Método e paixão em Celso Furtado". (RAE - Revista de Administração de Empresas)
2005. Note to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration, of the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc), of the United Nations. New York, April 6, 2005.
2005. Note to the Fourth Annual Meeting of the Committee of Experts on Public Administration, of the Economic and Social Council (Ecosoc), of the United Nations. New York, April 6, 2005
2005. Societys three instances (structural, cultural, and institutional) help us to distinguish and understand social sciences roles. (Note for class discussion)
2004. Bureaucratic administration controls officials with tight regulation and supervision, but this proved inefficient. Democracy allowed for public management reform and the political control of bureaucrats.(Preface to the CLADs Cientific Council book Política y Gestión Pública)
2004. Michael Zeitlin - notable professor of business administration and a major secretary in Mario Covas government of São Paulo - writes articles in the press. (Preface to book by Michael Paul Zeitlin).
2004. What should be the national agenda, as it was discussed in the 1o. Fórum de Economia da Fundação Getúlio Vargas". (Note: Conjuntura Econômica)
2004. Brazil has a strong cultural but a poor national identity. Both identities are not necessarily correlated. (Article: Folha S.Paulo, Mais!).
2004. Summarized view of what is needed for Brazil achieve macroeconomic stability and resume growth. (Testimony to the Brazilian Câmara dos Deputados, published in Revista de Economia Política, October 2004)
2004. Letter to the director of FGV Business School on the need of a MBA program, competitive to american MBA's. (17.2.2004)
1993. Dr. Ulysses Guimarães was an outstanding public man. My personal and political relations with him. (Interview in the book Dr. Ulysses: O Homem que Pensou o Brasil).
2004. While income per capita increased 8.5% in 20 years, social expenditures, 43.4%. Given the improvement in social standards this demonstrates that social expenditures are effective. (Note: Revista Econômica)*
2003. Violence and lack os hope in the United States viewed throug through two films: "Elephant" and "Mystic River". (Article: Folha de S.Paulo, Mais!)
2003. Prefácio à 5a edição de Desenvolvimento e Crise no Brasil.
2003. The ambition of developing a unique and comprehensive economic theory is vain and dangerous. This is the project of Neoclassical Economics - a hypothetic-deductive theory. (Note just published in this website, 14 pages)
2003. Resenha de três papers apresentados ao XXIV Congresso da Latin American Studies Association - LASA, em Dallas, por Philippe Faucher e Leslie Armijo; David Samuels; e Carlos Gevarsoni.
2003. Brazil and Portugal have more things in common than just to speak the same language. (Note: Revista Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão, janeiro 2003).
2003. A comparison between two economic approaches: structuralist new developmentalism and conventional orthodoxy. (Participation in the XXIV LASA Congress)
2003. In last years the fact that neoclassical macroeconomics is not used by central banks became evident. (Preface to the book edited by Gilberto Tadeu Lima and João Sicsú)
2002. Note explaining why I proposed this change in 1997 and again 1998. See also the 1998 letter to FHC proposing the extinction. (Published just in this site)