• 05-2009-capa-mondialisation-et-competition
  • 10-1999-capa-reforma-del-estado-para-la-ciudadania
  • 12-1982-capa-a-sociedade-estatal-e-a-tecnoburocracia
  • 09-1993-capa-reformas-economicas-em-democracias-novas
  • 09-1993-capa-economic-reforms-in-new-democracies
  • 17-2004-capa-em-busca-do-novo
  • 2006-capa-as-revolucoes-utopicas-dos-anos-60
  • 13-1988-capa-lucro-acumulacao-e-crise-2a-edicao
  • 05-2009-capa-globalizacao-e-competicao
  • 08-1984-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1983
  • 07-2004-capa-democracy-and-public-management-reform
  • 02-2021-capa-a-construcao-politica-e-economica-do-brasil
  • 2014-capa-developmental-macroeconomics-new-developmentalism
  • 15-1968-capa-desenvolvimento-e-crise-no-brasil-1930-1967
  • 04-2016-capa-macroeconomia-desenvolvimentista
  • 10-1998-capa-reforma-do-estado-para-a-cidadania
  • 11-1992-capa-a-crise-do-estado
  • 16-2015-capa-a-teoria-economica-na-obra-de-bresser-pereira-3
  • 01-2021
  • 05-2010-capa-globalization-and-competition
  • capa-novo-desenvolvimentismo-duplicada-e-sombreada
  • 03-2018-capa-em-busca-de-desenvolvimento-perdido
  • 05-2010-capa-globalixacion-y-competencia
  • 06-2009-capa-construindo-o-estado-republicano
  • 01-2021-capa-new-developmentalism
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2007. With Paulo Gala. A formalization of the critique of the strategy of growth with foreign savings: the consequent exchange rate appreciation increases artificially wages and causes the substitution of domestic with foreign savings. English version available.(Paper: Revista de Economia Política)

2007. With Paulo Gala. A formalization of the critique of the strategy of growth with foreign savings: the consequent exchange rate appreciation increases artificially wages and causes the substitution of domestic with foreign savings. Portuguese and Spanish versions available.(Paper to be published in book)

2006. The exchange rate determines not only exports and imports, but also real wages, consumption and the savings rate. (Preface to book edited by Mathias Vernengo)

2003. The ambition of developing a unique and comprehensive economic theory is vain and dangerous. (Note just published in this website 14 pages)

1997. With Jairo Abud. The difference between the short term costs of adjusting an economy and the costs of procrastinating adjustment and reform are the net transition costs. In the limit, they determine the moment reform begins. (Paper World Development)*

1997. An disguised (because I was part of the Cardoso administration) critique of exchange rate policy adopted by Brazil after the Real Plan. (Paper in Revista de Economia Política). *

1996. An account of the theory of inertial inflation original definition(Paper in Revista de Economia Política). For a more complete history, see "A descoberta da inflação inercial" (Revista Contemporânea de Economia, 2010).

1991. A 1990 repetition of a research on the motives to invest of major Brazilian firms originally conducted in 1970. And a comparison between the two results, showing that with the rise of the interest rate, it became more relevant in the decision process. (Research report/NPP/EAESP/FGV).

1989. Inertial inflation is accelerating in Brazil and threatening to turn into hyperinflation. An explanation of why inertial inflation is rigid is is to be reduced, but tends to increase as distributive conflict increases. (Paper in book edited by José Marcio Rego)

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