Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Journal of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, vol.33 (2), summer 1991: 1-21. Em português, no livro Populismo Econômico, com o título, "Ideologias econômicas e democracia no Brasil".
Abstract. During the early 1980s, economic crisis was a major factor that led to the end of the authoritarian regime. Now, in the early 1990s, as such crisis remains without solution, while economic populism gains new life in the new democratic regime, this same economic crisis is threatening democracy. Opportunists' economic populism, moderate left's protectionism, and the right's monetarist orthodoxy are together major obstacles to consistent and rational economic policies. Opportunists and the old left lead the country to fiscal crisis, balance of payment problems and inflation, while the right promotes incompetent macroeconomic policies, recurrent recession, and concentration of income. Brazil needs pragmatic and consistent economic policies deriving from an independent assessment of the country's economic problems.