Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
Fundação Getúlio Vargas, São Paulo, Departamento de Economia, Texto para Discussão n.105, August 2001. In Bresser-Pereira and José Marcio Rego, orgs. (2001) A Grande Esperança em Celso Furtado. São Paulo: Editora 34: 19-43.
Abstract. The method that Celso Furtado utilizes is essentially historical; his passion - a measured passion - is for Brazil. In the second half of the twentieth century no intellectual contributed more than him for the understanding of Brazil. He was committed to its development, frustrated with its incapacity to achieve it, and always acute in analyzing the economic and political challenges that the country successively faced. In order to demonstrate these ideas, the paper presents a broad review of Furtado's work.