Luiz Carlos Bresser-Pereira
São Paulo: Instituto Sul-Norte, Texto para Discussão no.1, novembro 1993. Este texto é uma versão preliminar do meu capítulo no livro com Maravall e Przeworski, Economic Reforms in New Democracies, 1993)
After the II World War a first paradigmatic interpretation of Latin America emerged: the national-bourgeois model of industrialization via import-substitution. Amidst the crisis of the 60s, a new paradigmatic moment for interpreting Latin America was defined in terms of the new dependency theory. Following the 80s' crisis and the advance of neo-liberalism, perhaps a new synthesis is in the process of developing, which we might call the "interpretation of the crisis of the state" or the "European social-democrat interpretation" or "pragramatic East-Asian interpretation" should we choose to emphasize the development strategies implicit therein.